Noteable Posts
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
How do you enable Registry Editing again if it has been disabled by your administrator?
A way to get into the registry editor if its been disabled, heres how you do it:
1. Disable as much as you can from your startup. Remove programs from your startup folder and such, so as not to lag down the bootup process.
2.Create a new shortcut on your desktop, point it to "C:\Windows\regedit.exe"
3.Log off, then log back on
4.As soon as you see your desktop, double click on the shortcut. The system does not check for policies until a few seconds after it booted up. If you click on the icon fast enough, it should let you get in.
After that, do all you need. After you close it though, it will not open unless you redo step 3 and 4.
There's one vbs script to enable the registry editing. and below is the link.
HaXxOr Simple
The way to get into registry editing is simple. Open your start menu click Run and paste in the folowing command: REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f Submited By HaXxOr.
Administrator does not disable registry editing its the bloody virus called rontokbro@mm. you can remove the virus but enable registy editing you will need the tool provided by symantec on their web site can also learn about rontokbro@mm on this site. 1)download the inf file 2)rightclick it and choose install appearently nothing happens but amaizingly registry editing is enabled type regedit on command prompt or RUN and enjoy. muzammal baig.This section is for technical experts who want to know more.
W32/Brontok-C is an email worm that sends itself to the addresses gathered from the infected computer, skipping email addresses that contain the following strings :
W32/Brontok-C may arrive attached with a filename randomly chosed from the following :
winword.exe kangen.exe ccapps.exe syslove.exe untukmu.exe myheart.exe my heart.exe jangan dibuka.exe
The email is sent with a blank subject line and the following message text :
-- Hentikan kebobrokan di negeri ini -- 1. Penjarakan Koruptor, Penyelundup, Tukang Suap, & Bandar NARKOBA ( Send to "NUSAKAMBANGAN") 2. Stop Free Sex, Aborsi, & Prostitusi ( Go To HELL ) 3. Stop pencemaran lingkungan, pembakaran hutan & perburuan liar. 4. SAY NO TO DRUGS !!! -- KIAMAT SUDAH DEKAT -- Terinspirasi oleh: Elang Brontok (Spizaetus Cirrhatus) yang hampir punah By: HVM31 -- JowoBot #VM Community -- !!! Akan Kubuat Mereka (VM lokal yg cengeng & bodoh) Terkapar !!!
When first run W32/Brontok-C copies itself to:
\Local Settings\Application Data\csrss.exe \Local Settings\Application Data\inetinfo.exe \Local Settings\Application Data\lsass.exe \Local Settings\Application Data\services.exe \Local Settings\Application Data\smss.exe \Local Settings\Application Data\winlogon.exe \Empty.pif \Templates\ \ShellNew\sempalong.exe \eksplorasi.exe \repclient1's Setting.scr
W32/Brontok-C will create a remote task in the following location in order to run a copy of itself on a daily basis to maintain infection :
W32/Brontok-C attempts to download files from a remote website to the following location :
\Local Settings\Application Data\ListHost11.txt \Local Settings\Application Data\Update.11.Bron.Tok.bin
At the time of writing these files were unavailable from the remote website. The following registry entries are created to run W32/Brontok-C on startup:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Tok-Cirrhatus \Local Settings\Application Data\smss.exe
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Bron-Spizaetus \ShellNew\sempalong.exe
The following registry entry is changed to run eksplorasi.exe on startup:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Shell Explorer.exe "\eksplorasi.exe"
(the default value for this registry entry is "Explorer.exe" which causes the Microsoft file \Explorer.exe to be run on startup).
The following registry entry is set, disabling the registry editor (regedit):
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System DisableRegistryTools 1
Registry entries are set as follows:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoFolderOptions 1
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System DisableCMD 0
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Hidden 0
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced HideFileExt 1
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced ShowSuperHidden
Posted by
2:17 AM
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Google's April Fool
it or not Google made u an April Fool :-)
See also this :D
Google TiSP - Google's April Fool's Joke
Stands for Toilet Internet Service Provider, Google TiSP is a clever April Fool's joke by google. It is a FREE in-home wireless broadband service with a witty tagline - Want WiFi around? Just flush it down.
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server. There are so many reasons that this might have happened we can scarcely bring ourselves to type them all out. You might have typed the URL incorrectly, for instance. Or (less likely but certainly plausible) we might have coded the URL incorrectly. Or (far less plausible, but theoretically possible, depending on which ill-defined Grand Unifying Theory of physics one subscribes to), some random fluctuation in the space-time continuum might have produced a shatteringly brief but nonetheless real electromagnetic discombobulation which caused this error page to appear. Or (and truth be told, this is by far the most likely scenario) you might have reached a page that we meant to create but didn't get around to it, since this year's April Fool's joke got hacked together at the last minute, more or less the same way this one did. And this one. And this one, and this one, and this one...
Posted by
12:30 AM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
R u nerds?
listen to this Amusing mp3 file explains it all about u CompuGeek
Posted by
3:03 AM